A wide range of standardised tests are used including;
reading, phonological processing, spelling,
speed of processing, memory skills, visual perception and visual/verbal underlying ability.
Informal, qualitative tests of understanding of numbers that use subitising, symbolic and non-symbolic magnitude comparison, ordering and concrete tools to explore the concept of number and number sense.
• Timed and untimed standardised measures of Arithmetic (+, -, x, ÷). will help establish if time pressure makes a difference in performance.
• Mathematics reasoning and problem-solving, including word problems to investigate if difficulties are related to number, or mathematical terminology, or language more generally.
The report will include;
Summary of assessment report findings
Summary of background information from home and school/college, including the history of support at school/college
Detailed interpretation of test results, including:
General ability
Attainments in reading, spelling, writing and maths
Cognitive processing skills, e.g. memory, phonological awareness, speed of phonological processing, etc.
Table of test scores
Essential recommendations for supporting the learner:
At home
In the classroom
Access arrangements in exams (if appropriate)
Specialist teacher/tutor support (if appropriate)
Full details of all the tests used in the session will be included for reference.
The assessment will take approximately 4-5 hours to complete and is recommended to be carried out over two sessions.