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Some indicators of dyslexia are detailed below. Few children will exhibit all of these characteristics and the presence of any individual characteristic will not necessarily indicate dyslexia. A diagnostic assessment is required for a formal diagnosis of dyslexia which would entail additional information being provided from home and school to obtain a holistic profile of the individual’s strengths and weaknesses.
Instructions need to be repeated
Difficulties following instructions.
Poor organisational skills
Difficulties planning, sequencing ideas and writing essays
Difficulties processing complex language
Difficulties taking notes or copying from a board
Difficulties with reading or spelling
Writes letters and numbers the wrong way round e.g. b/ d
Leaves letters out of words or writes them in the wrong order
Word finding difficulties.
Reads a word but will not recognise it further down on the page
Spells words several different ways in one piece of writing
Poor concentration for reading and spelling
Confuses places, times and dates
Sequencing difficulties e.g. days of week and months of the year
Confuses left and right
Has difficulty recognising sounds in words and poor sense of rhyme
Poor standard of written work compared to oral ability
Problems processing language at speed
Areas of strength in other subjects
Poor confidence and self-esteem
British Dyslexia Association provides more information about the indicators of dyslexia at different stages of a person's life.Â
Dyslexia symptoms : My Experience
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