Dyscalculia Assessment
Assessment will be carried out in the following area;
• A wide range of standardised tests are used, including literacy attainment, Tests of verbal, visual and visual-spatial reasoning and cognitive processing (such as memory, phonological processing, processing speed and accuracy, visual-spatial sequential skills)
• Informal, qualitative tests of understanding of numbers that use subitising, symbolic and non-symbolic magnitude comparison, ordering and concrete tools to explore the concept of number and number sense.
• Timed and untimed standardised measures of Arithmetic (+, -, x, ÷). will help establish if time pressure makes a difference in performance.
• Mathematics reasoning and problem-solving, including word problems.
The assessment process takes approximately 3 - 4 hours.
You will receive a detailed report which will include;
Summary of assessment report findings
Summary of background information from home and school/college, including the history of support at school/college
Detailed interpretation of test results, including:
General ability
Attainments in reading, spelling, and maths
Cognitive processing skills, e.g. memory, phonological awareness, speed of phonological processing, etc.
Table of test scores
Essential recommendations for supporting the learner:
At home
In the classroom
Access arrangements in exams (if appropriate)
Specialist teacher/tutor support (if appropriate)
Full details of all the tests used in the session will be included for reference.